
In this class diagram, the role name for "Collection_Book_Association" in its association with "Book" is "Collection_Book," indicating the role of the book in this association .

5. 繼續(Inheritance)


Composition is a stronger form of aggregation, representing a whole-part relationship where the lifecycle of the parts is tied to the whole. It is depicted using a filled diamond connecting the whole to its parts.

在這張類圖中,沒有顯著的束縛前提,但假如有,例如可以標註「{獨一}」來透露表現某個屬性必須是唯一的 .

Domain diagram overview - classes, interfaces, associations, usage, realization, multiplicity.

1. Class



UML class diagrams are essential tools in software engineering, helping developers understand and design system structures. Through this specific class diagram example, we can see how concepts such as classes, associations, aggregations, compositions, inheritance, multiplicity, role names, and constraints are applied in practice. Understanding these concepts is crucial for better system design and implementation .

  • Class Name: Located at the top of the class box, usually in bold.
  • Attributes: Located below the class name, describing the properties or data of the class.
  • Methods: Located below the attributes, describing the behaviors or operations of the class.

In this class diagram, the classes "Borrow" and "Reserve" inherit from the class "Operation," indicating that they are types of operations and inherit the basic attributes and methods of the "Operation" class .

這條聯系關系線上標註了「0..12」,表示一本書最多可以有12個館藏記實 .


7. Role Name

Key Concepts of UML Class Diagrams

Inheritance represents an "is-a" relationship, where a subclass inherits the attributes and methods of a superclass. It is depicted using a hollow arrow pointing from the subclass to the superclass.

Multiplicity describes the number of instances of a class that can be associated with a single instance of another class. It is usually annotated at both ends of the association line.


在這張類圖中,「借閱」和「預約」種別繼續自「操作」種別,表示它們都是操作的一種,並繼承了操作的根基屬性和方式 .

類圖(Class Diagram)是同一建模說話(UML)中的一種靜態構造圖,用於描寫系統的佈局。類圖是面向對象建模中的焦點東西,普遍運用於軟體工程中。



2. 聯系關系(Association)

6. 多重性(Multiplicity)



Constraints describe additional rules or limitations on classes or associations. They are usually enclosed in curly braces "{}" and annotated near the class or association line.



In this class diagram, the aggregation between "Collection" and "Collection_Book_Association" indicates that a collection record can contain multiple book association records .

A class is the basic unit in a UML class diagram, representing an entity or object within a system. Each class typically includes the following parts:

5. Inheritance


在這張類圖中,「館藏_書本聯系關系」種別在與「冊本」聯系關系時的腳色名稱為「館藏_書籍」,表示這個聯系關系中的冊本腳色 .

In this class diagram, we see classes such as "Book," "Collection," and "Collection_Book_Association." For example, the "Book" class includes attributes like ISBN, title, and author, along with methods like borrow and return .

8. Constraints

In this class diagram, the multiplicity between "Book" and "Collection_Book_Association" is "0..12," indicating that a book can have between 0 and 12 collection records .

2. Association

In this class diagram, the association between "Book" and "Collection_Book_Association" indicates that a book can have multiple collection records. The line is annotated with "0..12," meaning a book can have between 0 and 12 collection records .

1. 種別(Class)

7. 腳色名稱(Role Name)

UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams are a graphical representation used to describe the classes in a system and their relationships. They are a crucial tool in software engineering, helping developers understand and design system structures. This article will use the following class diagram as a case study to explain the key concepts of UML class diagrams.


UML(統一建模說話,Unified Modeling Language)類圖是一種用於描述系統中各個種別及其關係的圖形表示方法。



An association describes the structural relationship between classes. It is usually represented by a solid line connecting two classes and can include the name and roles of the association.

In this class diagram, there are no explicit constraints. However, if there were, for example, a constraint could be "{unique}" to indicate that a certain attribute must be unique .

A role name describes the role of a class in an association. It is usually annotated at the end of the association line near the class name.

3. Aggregation

8. 約束前提(Constraints)

In this class diagram, there is no explicit composition relationship. However, if there were one, for example, between "Library" and "Collection," it would indicate that when the library closes, all collection records would be deleted .

4. Composition

在這張類圖中,我們可以看到「書籍」、「館藏」、「館藏_書本聯系關系」等種別。例如,「書籍」種別包括ISBN、書名、作者等屬性,和借閱、歸還等方式 .

在這張類圖中,「館藏」和「館藏_書籍關聯」之間的聚合關係暗示一個館藏記錄可以包括多個書籍關聯紀錄 .


UML(統一建模語言,Unified Modeling Language)類圖是一種用於描寫系統中各個類別及其關係的圖形暗示方法。本文將以一張具體的類圖為案例,具體解釋UML類圖的關頭概念。


Aggregation is a special type of association that represents a whole-part relationship. It is depicted using a hollow diamond connecting the whole to its parts.



在這張類圖中,沒有明顯的組合關係,但如果有,例如「藏書樓」和「館藏」之間的關係可所以組合關係,表示圖書館封閉時,所有館藏紀錄也將被刪除 .

4. 組合(Composition)

  • 種別名稱:位於種別框的最上方,平日以粗體顯示。
  • 方式(Methods):位於屬性下方,描寫種別的行為或操作。
  • 屬性(Attributes):位於種別名稱下方,描寫類別的特征或數據。

    3. 聚合(Aggregation)

    理解這些概念有助於更好地設計和實現軟系統統 .經由過程這張具體的類圖案例,我們可以看到種別、關聯、聚合、組合、繼續、多重性、角色名稱和束縛前提等要害概念在實際運用中的表現。


    在這張類圖中,「書本」和「館藏_書籍聯系關系」之間的多重性為「0..12」,暗示一本書可以有0到12個館藏紀錄 .

    6. Multiplicity





  • arrow

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